Friday, August 9, 2013

Sushi Tuesday

I have always been afraid to make sushi on my own. Being a major sushi lover and a bit of a sushi snob, I have learned that sushi is an artisan craft. And I always thought it was better left to the artisans. 

 My cute younger brother is in town and wanted to make sushi, which is something he loves to do. So being the softy sister that I am... I let go of my fear and dove into a night of sushi making with one of my favorite people on earth.

 Here are all the things we put in our sushi:

Green Onion
Cream Cheese

Two ways to roll:
Rice on on the inside, and rice on the outside
the rolls we made are basic Maki sushi rolls with rice on the inside.

The three primary forms of sushi are:
Urumaki: Rice on the Outside
Maki: Nori on the outside, Rice within
Nigiri: Rice with Fish atop

Sushi Etiquette for the Beginner:
You can pick up the roll with either chopsticks or your fingers. both are correct (using a fork is not)
Use the Thin end of the chopstick for bringing the sushi from your plate to your mouth
use the wide end of the chopsticks for bringing the sushi from a group plate to your plate
Eat Ginger between rolls as a palate cleanser (it does not ever belong on the sushi)
Wasabi is placed on the sushi, not in the soy sauce

Me enjoying my home made Sushi

Look at that delicious Roll o' Maki Sushi. aint it good? don't you want it? BTW that's my bro.

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