Thursday, July 11, 2013

Books for the Soul

One thing which has helped me be in a good frame of mind is having books that make me want to look outside myself, understand others, and give peace to my soul.  There are times when we all need to shut out the competing ideologies that don't bring happiness.
Here are a list of books, all of these have helped me:

The Little Prince has helped me understand relationships and dealing with important things in our lives.

The Alchemist, has inspired me to work toward accomplishing my greatest dreams.

The Great Divorce, has helped me understand that happiness is a choice and many people justify why they have to be miserable, because they are comfortable with mediocrity.

The Divine Center, helps me understand that people can be off centered and how destructive it can be.

The Book of Mormon, has helped me understand how great nations can self destruct if they loose touch with God.

The Bible, helps me understand the nature of God and Man.

Man's Search for Meaning, gives me strength and hope.

Unbroken, helps me understand the human spirit.
Shacklton's Endurance, when people work together they can achieve amazing things.


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