Monday, November 18, 2013

One Half Down

After my last couple posts you might think I'm in my kitchen 24/7 eating my heart out but I'm the type that has to work out so I can eat the food I love.

Here is my last work out adventure:

Salt Lake City Haunted Half
My friend Emilee and I at the start of the Haunted Half, Salt Lake City 2013
Preparation: My friend texted me on Monday night saying, "she really wanted to do a half" and asked if I would sign up to do the race with her. The next day she sent me the link and on Saturday we ran the race. At the time I had been running 5 days a week and doing yoga 2-3 times a week. The days before the race I ran 3 miles on Monday, 5 miles on Tuesday, 8 miles on Wednesday, 6 on Thursday and did yoga Friday.

What I Ate: I woke up at 5:30 am got ready, made a PB&J Sandwich on Whole Wheat. Emily came picked me up and we got some hot chocolate from Starbucks because the buses were taking us up the canyon at 7 am and the race didn't start till 9 am (it was really cold and I needed something to keep me warm). About 20 minutes before the race I took 2 ibuprofen.

Chip Time: 1:37

How I Felt: Flew down the canyon for the first 7 miles, at mile 7-9 there were some big hills and my legs felt heavy, by mile 9 I started to pick up speed and ended up finishing strong.  My friend and I run at different speeds so we parted ways at the start, I did my thing finished.  After I finished I ran back up the course two miles and waited for her so she had someone to finish with.

Shoes:  Nike Free's

Next Adventure:  I think I want to do the Southern California Ragnar this Spring.


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