All About Me

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Healthy Habits

Eating healthyis about creating a healthy lifestyle which you can maintain.

If you have used one of the following excuses for not eating healthy raise your hand:

1. It's sooooo expensive
2. It takes soooooo much time
3. I don't like how it tastes
4. I want to but it just hasn't happened yet.

I've said these myself but in the end I know they were just excuses or lies I would tell myself.
Stop lying to your self and start making some positive changes in your eating style.
The key good eating habits is balance and control. 

Step one:  Game Plan

First look at what you are currently doing and write down what changes you want to make.  Have some obtainable goals (long term and short term) the best way to achieve these goals is to START them. 

Every so often I will keep a food journal and write down everything I eat.  I will do this for a few days every month and it gives me an idea of where I am going wrong and it also helps me to eat healthier.

Step two:  Management

Plan out what you are going to eat. I have to sit down and plan out what I am going to eat for the upcoming week.

Step Three:  Give yourself a reward.

Find what works for you:  It could be that if you eat really good for a few days you can have a piece of cake after dinner or that you can buy yourself a new lululemon jacket.  What motivates you?  What do you want the most?   What will help you achieve your goals and feel good inside and out? 

My Rewards:  I'm super social and love going out, so to reward myself... I let myself eat out once during the week and once during the weekend (once during the weekend if I pay, if someone else is paying I can eat out both Friday and Saturday). 

Breakfast:  I make myself a banana/peanut butter shake or have plain Greek yogurt w/berries in the morning.

My morning shake.

Plain Greek Yogurt, Pureed Blackberries and Plain Pecans.

Lunch: I bring my lunches to work, usually left overs from dinner the night before.

Zucchini, Yellow Squash and Tomato Toss on Whole Wheat Angel Hair Pasta.

Snacks:  I bring apples/carrots to snack on during the day and make sure to drink plenty of water.

Dinner:  Usually something healthy with at least a fruit and or veggie.
This is my favorite tortilla soup, it's yummy and healthy.

This works for me but might not work for you.  Find out what works for you and go with it.  I believe you can do it, it might be hard in the beginning but just stick with it.  Just remember you are worth it (just believe in yourself).

Honestly the best thing for me and eating healthy was joining the local food co-op with my married friends.  I don't know how it all works other than I give them $16.50 once a month and I get a big box of fruits and veggies: My March basket had nectarines, limes, bananas, mangoes, gala and gold delicious apples, d'anjou pears, avocados, cilantro, broccoli, mini carrots, cello lettuce, cucumbers and green onions.


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