Wednesday, June 20, 2018

At the end of the day let there be no excuses, no explanations, no regrets.
Dr. Steve Maraboli

Here I am in the process of making my dreams come true and it's hard, really hard but way cool at the same time.  I have two finished swim suit patterns each with one variation (with and with out a ruffle) and soon to be three tankini tops in the process of being produced.  I have a healthy inventory of swim suits ready to be sold and a beautiful website that is about to be launched!  All of these things are super exciting.

At the same time I need to work through my fears and just keep moving and taking care of things as they come my way.  

I've never been a sales person!  Okay I sold cherries, peaches, blue berries, raspberries all manner of fruit when I was 14&15 but other than that I haven't had to sale a product. I'm a creative and an introverted one at that.  So what pushes me to keep going, it is having the courage to live a life with minimal regrets.

I heard this quote by John Wayne and it has helped me,

"Courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyways."

So here I am, pursuing every avenue and seeing how I can accomplish what it is I have set out to do.

To be honest if it weren't for prayer and a belief in God I wouldn't have even started.  The belief that there is something more powerful than myself that will give me strength to endure all that I am going through.  That he has given me talents and wants me to develop them and to create more.  Also the knowing there is a comforter, that will help guide me through all of this.  

Still its not easy there are definitely times when my mind tells me this is hard or when I remind myself of the odds of succeeding.  It's that spiritual relationship that I rely on the most.  For I know that if I am doing my part that Heavenly Father will pull through on his.  

This is why put myself and my designs on display.  Why I rack my brain on how to market my swimwear and skirts.  Why I keep looking for the best fabric and why I look for the most talented photographers to show case my designs.

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