All About Me

Monday, August 26, 2013

Spa Nights are the Best Nights

Winter time is setting in and I feel like I need a little beauty pick me up.

Every so often it is nice just to go somewhere and be pampered, especially after a long day in the office. 

Just this week I felt like I was in a little beauty slump.  I called my best friend and told her I needed to start OPERATION RECONDITION.

She just laughed, said okay and is going to help me plan a stratagy to look and feel cute in these cold dark winter monthes.

With a little help from The 7 Club Spa:  I am going to spend the winter working on me.

Which Includes:
Light Chemical Peels
Spray Tanning
&  a little relaxing in the Steam Room
When I think about it this way, winter almost sounds fun!

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