All About Me

Monday, June 17, 2013

The Key to Beauty is... Happiness!!!

Audrey Hepburn said, "Happy Girls are the Prettiest" so what makes you happy?

For me it's little things that make my life more beautiful; running/yoga, gardening, reading a good book, good friends, lounging in a hammock, scooter rides, cooking and spending time with my family.

Family is important to me, very important.  I feel that once I have my own children that I could live anywhere and do anything as long as I'm with the people I love the most. 

My three year old nephew, my little shark boy.
At this point, I don't have my own children, so I look forward to the time I have with my sisters, brothers and their children.  Family is such a big deal to me that it is a major factor in my dating. I look at how a man interacts with his family and what his family values are. 

I was talking with my brother the other day, he was saying that he loves being a father, that it is his happiness.  I wish more people (guys and girls) would have that same perspective, it would solve a lot of hurt in our society. 

I was lucky enough to have my sister and her children come visit me, here are some of the fun adventures we had this last week.

Swimming, My family is a bunch of guppies we love water and sunshine.

Trying to comfort my niece pool side.
I had so much fun playing with the kids at the pool, whole days spent with out a cell phone or other things we sometimes let take presidence over our relationships with the people right in front of us.

My sassy and sweet 7 year old nephew.
Birthday Parties
Living in a different State from my family means I miss every Birthday Party. So when the kids were in town we had a birthday party for all of the Birthdays I missed.

The kids loved it, even the little 1year old had a blast!
These were our treats at the party.

What is a party with out balloons...

And Italian Sodas!

Eating as a Family

As fun as it might be to do your own thing there is something magical about sitting down and eating with your family.  When I was a child our family always at dinner together and it was great to come together at the end of the day.

This is one of the things I will miss most when they are gone.

I actually loved sharing my food with the baby.  She was so smiley and happy.

 Eating breakfast in the back yard and going out for Gelato... Pure Bliss!

Gelato with the kids

I love being outside and in nature and the kids loved going on a little hike and exploring.
5 year old niece and I exploring a waterfall.

Silliness & Gardening
For those of you who have read my earlier posts, this year is my first year with a garden.
The kids were so cute, they loved watering the plants and looking for strawberries.

It's important to know what you love and what motivates you.  For me it's family, children, sunshine, and laughter. 

For you it could be animals, or a good book.  Make time for what you love and start living the life you love right now.

Everyday when we go out into the world, we have to deal with the crapiness of life but when we return to our homes it should be a place of peace, happiness and joy... a safe place.

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