Monday, March 25, 2013

Quick Color Fix

Easy Fix for Color Drama! 

For those of you who have gone into a hair apt only to come out with hair that was "WARMER" aka Red or Brassier than you would have liked it.  This conditioner from Aveda is amazing and perfect for you!

What makes it so amazing??? When it comes to red, brassy or overly warmth colors, this conditioner has BLUE toner in it.  Blue is on the other side of the color wheel from red/orange.  Which means it balances out the brassy tones you see in your hair. 

I prefer this blue conditioner to purple shampoos.  If you think about it, purple has red in it (Blue + Red = Purple) which means that purple isn't going to get rid of red, what it will do is make your blonds brighter and amp up your existing color).  If you are trying to tone down red, blue is your ticked.

 PS. If you go into a stylist, remember it is all about the customer satisfaction, so you should be satisfied.  If you have a stylist that can't figure out how to do your hair the way you want it, go find someone who can.  If you are going to pay the money you might as well get what you want.

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